How to Create SEO-friendly Content?

If you want to grow your business without increasing your marketing budget, then producing SEO-friendly content is a very effective way. If the website is search engine optimized with solid authority and a good profile rank, then it gets a higher ranking in search.
Hence, SEO-friendly content creation is of utmost importance for today’s businesses.
Not all websites are shown up on the first page of Google or other search engines. However, if your sites are shown on the main page, you’ll get more clicks, shares, likes, readability, and other customer engagement.
On the contrary, if nobody finds your page, then even the best-crafted write-ups are pointless. So, SEO-friendly content is very important.
The creation of SEO-friendly content is not easy. Plenty of thought and foresight are needed to write strong SEO content. But, once you learn the techniques and use them in content making, you’ll see it would generate benefits without much workload.
Integrated with some promotional activities and a good marketing mix, SEO-friendly content can play one of the biggest roles in expanding the horizon of your business.
Here are some techniques for creating SEO-friendly content, by which you can achieve your business goals:
- Use headlines and sub-headers
- Add links to previous content
- Optimize the length of your article
- Choose your keywords wisely
- Optimize your images
- Make the content shareable
- Write high-quality content
- Content optimization tools
What does SEO-friendly Content Mean?
SEO-friendly content is the kind of content that helps the search engine rank the content higher than other similar class content. The task of SEO-friendly content creation is not all about being stuffed with keywords.
In fact, it means to help their search engines to find, understand and connect to the topic and subjects of the content you’ve published online. Making your content SEO-friendly content involves much more than just applying keywords to your posts, videos, and other forms of content.
How to make SEO-friendly Content?
1. Use headlines and sub-headers
Using headlines and sub-headers does some jobs for Search Engine Optimization.
First, it makes your writing skimmable so that the readers understand it easily.
Then, people will be motivated to share your content.
The same thing happens to search engine robots. While crawling through a site, they’ll recognize the headlines and use these to understand your content better. In addition, the headers and the subheaders also increase keyword saturation.
2. Add links to previous content
Ranking content by the number of backlinks is one of the ways search engines use it. Good content usually gets a lot of backlinks, both external as well as internal.
If you want to engage traffic and rank your older content higher, then you shouldn’t forget to link them to your newer posts. This will assist both people and search engines to find your write-ups.
In addition, linking with high-quality, widely known websites increases the validity of your site. The more and better the links, the more the chance of your page being ranked in search results. Moreover, using credible sources within the body of the content creates trust in the readers.
3. Optimize the length of your article
In past, most blog posts contained fewer words, several hundred words for say. And another principle was the more you post, the more traffic you’d get.
Nowadays, the opposite scenario is seen. These days, the more the length of the article and the fewer the total number of publications, the more the site seems to be credible to most of the readers as well as to search engines.
These changes have been in place as in the last few years, Google has been giving higher priorities to longer and quality-based content. Their goal is to provide their users with the best possible answers and this often reduces the number of posts that provide the most detailed answer to the query of the users.
So, it’s not enough to write 300-500 words write-ups anymore but to enlarge the size of the content.
Take a look at Google Analytics reports and find out which of your posts generate the highest engagements. That means, which posts are visited most and read for the longest period of time.
Then, use that information to determine which approach would you take to promote your details.
4. Choose your keywords prudently
Some people just sit down and begin to write. They leave SEO tasks for the last moments, while some others start by writing down the keywords they want to insert into their content. That’s the approach that should be followed.
So, first, you’ve to identify keywords relevant to your topic. Keywords can become from your brain. Or you can use the keyword planning tools from Google, for example. Moreover, you can use more advanced SEO tools like Ahrefs and KWFinder. You can also hire an SEO agency to do the job on your behalf.
You can start it by using the guide to keyword research. While writing, keep the keywords in the title, headlines, meta descriptions, Alter tags, and body of the write-ups.
5. Optimize your images
The importance of the image is not less than the quality of the write-up. Sometimes, they create more appeal than writing. Images are essential for making your content more interesting and shareable. People are far more likely to attach to websites that have attractive and relevant photos and make purchase decisions accordingly. So, you can optimize the photos by adding keywords to the image and using the Alter Tags.
Setting the photo in an optimized size is equally important here. Too many large images will slow down the load time and hamper the SEO process.
You need to make the images as much as possible without affecting the visibility or quality of the images. Many image uploader system has their feature as a built-in feature. However, you can also use apps like Squoosh, which lets you resize and compress your image files quickly.
6. Make shareable content
After making SEO-friendly content that’s rich, and interesting, your next step is to make it shareable. Websites like ShareThis and AddThis make it easier to add social media buttons to your website so readers or viewers can share it more comfortably.
7. Write high-quality content
The best way to get people to read and engage with your content is to create write-ups that are interesting, unique, meaningful, and entertaining. Search engine values sites having quality and good standards. Remember, quality always matters.
Last Words
Once you grab the basics of writing and formatting your content, consider using some of the techniques stated above. These will simplify, improve and standardize SEO-friendly content creation. Once you have a strong idea in mind for how you’d like to write and format